Comma-Separated Values

美 [ˈkɑːmə ˈsepəreɪtɪd ˈvæljuːz]英 [ˈkɒmə ˈsepəreɪtɪd ˈvæljuːz]
  • 网络逗号分隔值;逗号分隔的值
Comma-Separated ValuesComma-Separated Values
  1. Our application processes multiple files containing records composed of comma-separated values ( CSV ) .


  2. An example script for converting the audit information to a comma-separated values file format follows .


  3. Exhibit automatically turns the list property categories into comma-separated values .


  4. Event publishing supports two MQ message formats & XML or comma-separated values ( CSV ) .


  5. The needed data was provided as comma-separated values ( CSV ) files and easily loaded into MySQL tables .


  6. Even more importantly , you worked with a standardized format XML instead of comma-separated values or pipe-delimited name / value pairs .


  7. Many cloud analytics platforms allow you to import the data from a spreadsheet or a comma-separated values ( CSV ) file .


  8. The USGS publishes its earthquake data in the form of a weekly CSV ( or comma-separated values ) file .


  9. Import and export of SKOS by vocabulary management tools should eventually be as common as import and export of comma-separated values by spreadsheet programs .


  10. For instance , one script might return comma-separated values , another pipe-separated values ( the pipe is the | character ), and another may return one long string of text .


  11. Copying and pasting from one application to the other takes time and is subject to error , and transfer of information using comma-separated values and other techniques is clunky at best .


  12. Yet XI uses regular expressions ( as introduced in JDK1.4 ) to parse the input file , so it works equally well with server logs , comma-separated values ( CSVs ), Excel files , and many other documents .


  13. Constructors by enumeration allow you to specify the values of all the elements as comma-separated scalar values , as shown in the following two listings .


  14. An array literal is a comma-separated list of values contained within square brackets .


  15. Cases can be comma-separated lists of values , and fall-through is no longer the default behavior .


  16. And that 's really a placeholder for the comma-separated list of values that I put after those quotes .


  17. JSON data supports various data types besides objects : strings , null values , numbers ( integer or real ), Boolean values , and arrays ( comma-separated sequences of values enclosed in square brackets ) .


  18. The various time-related fields can specify an individual value , a range of values , such as0-10 or sun-wed , or a comma-separated list of individual values and ranges .
